Archive for the ‘Crime’ Category

Green Hornet


Starring: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christoph Waltz, Cameron Diaz

Cool cars. Cool gadgets. A couple of nice explosions. But overall I was somewhat bored watching The Green Hornet.

Loser party boy son, Britt (Seth Rogen) inherits everything when bazillionaire daddy (Tom Wilkinson) dies unexpectedly. And since he has no clue, he gets with the mechanic/espresso guy, Kato (Jay Chou), to reek a little havoc around town… meaning, he takes a blow torch to his fathers bronze statue and cuts his head off.

blah blah blah… moving on. His next bright idea is to take on the the ever mounting crime that is plaguing the city.

With their pimped out Hornet car and their bitchin’ new suits, Britt and sidekick Kato head out to become hero’s… sorta.

I have but one question… Is there any movie in which Seth Rogen doesn’t have such a potty mouth?

I am giving this two paws up but ONLY because of the awesome cars and the bitchin’ gadgets.

The Town


Starring: Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Blake Lively

Only an hour into this movie I felt like I had been watching it all day. This was the most drawn out (as in SLOW) action film I’ve ever seen. Fortunately, I was not alone in my thinking. The other movie watchers were disappointed. As a dedicated movie watcher, I forced myself to watch all the way to the end, which was predictable.

I was definitely expecting a better movie that what I watched. The synopsis and reviews let me down. There was quite a bit of this movie that should have been left on the cutting room floor.

By all rights, if they tweaked the movie here and there to shorten the film and make it movie along a little faster, the film would be great. And Kudos to Mr. Ben Affleck for his directing abilities.

Oh, and the FBI Agent… I was really hoping someone would take his annoying ass out! Just sayin’.

Casino Jack


Starring: Kevin Spacey, Barry Pepper and Jon Lovitz

I have to admit, I was expecting more from this film. I was seriously bored to tears watching this.

I’ve watched “the politician has screwed the little guy” type films before and my attention never wavered. Watching Casino Jack was like getting teeth pulled without anesthetic at the speed of grass growth.

Now, that being said… A stellar performance by Kevin Spacey. The man never lets you down.

Barry Pepper. What can I say, he looks like a sleazy politician or someone that needs to find his way back to the 70s and his one piece zip-front polyester lounge suit. If his character was made to be hated then they accomplished the goal. GADS! I wanted to smack his face off his slimy head.

Anyway, you can like it or you can hate it. I’m giving it a steaming pile of poo rating.